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Look, Ma! No Hands!​

Life's Lessons Learned The Hard Way

Now available as an audiobook (as narrated by Doe) via Amazon or Audible

A Message From Doe

Interested in having Doe speak to your group?

Contact her by clicking here.

Doe presents programs and readings pro bono to nonprofit groups and donates her author’s royalty from books sold at that event to the organization’s cause. She will present “Tell Your Story” workshops to groups at no cost if a book is purchased for each participant as a learning resource. Contact her today to let her know about your group.  She schedules her pro bono work as frequently as she can given her other obligations.

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Life Happens. There are always lessons to learn, ways to contribute, and reasons to celebrate.

What would you do if a bicycle accident left you unable to use your hands and arms for six months?


What would you do if you were getting ready to move and begin a new job when that happened?


If you’re Doe Hentschel, you learn lessons such as:

  • Ask Questions

  • Ask for help

  • Celebrate what you can do

  • Consider that the problem might be you

  • Eat the ice cream before it melts

  • If you think you’re okay, you just might be

And if, like Doe, you encounter other challenges as your life unfolds, you may find that those life lessons come in handy! 

"This book is dedicated to my angels who give me opportunities to learn and grow, and to my butterflies who tell me I am ready. This book would not exist without them in my life."

The Book

Look, Ma! No Hands! Life’s Lessons Learned the Hard Way is a gift from Doe Hentschel, Ph.D. – a trailblazing adult educator and lifelong learner, leadership mentor and role model for living with purpose and passion at every age. From her own life-altering experiences, Doe draws profound lessons that capture her philosophy of life and leadership that will inspire all readers facing challenges of their own.

Published on her 80th birthday, Look, Ma! No Hands! Life’s Lessons Learned the Hard Way is Doe Hentschel’s first book. It is also a family affair. Supported with insights from Doe’s daughter Karin Davis, it includes original illustrations by Doe’s granddaughter, Courtney Davis, a student at Eastern Connecticut State University majoring in early childhood education and sociology. Her grandson Matthew Davis Jr., a Bachelor of Engineering, manages this website.

Now available as an audiobook via Amazon or Audible,

narrated by the author

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The Author

Doe Hentschel is an engaging speaker whose trademark, memorable stories crystallize facts, theories and complex ideas.  A lifelong learner herself, she was inducted into the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame in 2013 in recognition of her skill at creating innovative learning programs for adult learners of all ages in a multitude of learning environments.  Doe is still employed in her eighties as Leadership Preceptor at Leadership Greater Hartford, where she directs the Third Age Initiative™, designs curriculum and facilitates leadership programs in LGH’s robust consulting and training practice and serves as a guide and mentor to her colleagues.

Watch Doe’s interview with WTNH-TV News 8 Anchor Ann Nyberg
See What Our Readers Have to Say

“Rarely in our lives do we meet someone whom we recognize immediately to be a beacon of light, love, and hope. When I met Doe, I knew she was such a one. This book is a dose of her optimism, strength of character, wisdom, and that almost whimsical resilience that makes her simply indefatigable!”

– J. Antonelle de Marcaida, M.D., Associate Clinical Professor of Neurology Medical Director,

Hartford Healthcare’s Chase Family Movement Disorders Center

Auction Donations

Enjoy a lunch with Dr. Doe at a place of your choice, gather some “pearls of wisdom,” and take home an autographed copy of Look, Ma! No Hands! Life’s Lessons Learned the Hard Way.

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