Selected Past Events

Doe read excerpts from Look, Ma! No Hands! and signed books at Fire by Forge, Hartford’s popular café on Broad Street. Doe donated her author’s royalty to Forge City Works, the 501(c)3 that has developed the restaurant as a social enterprise.
My family and friends were getting sick of hearing me rave about what a terrific experience the Third Age Initiative was. Truly, it was one of those exceptional times that will stand out in memory. Doe has a remarkable way of bringing the group together, and is one of the best group facilitators I've ever worked with. Now I can share Doe’s wit and wisdom by giving them her book. I was delighted to be able to get Doe’s signature on the copy of Look, Ma! No Hands! that I just purchased for my niece as a graduation gift.”
-Nancy Ball. TAI Class 11 alumna. Simsbury CT

Doe spoke to Altrusa International Club of Northeastern Connecticut. Reading excerpts from Look, Ma! No Hands!, she focused on lessons that may help to “rewire your brain” and transform challenges into cause for celebration. Believing “delusions are not necessarily bad,” she advises us to “write it on the wall” if we can do it and to “eat the ice cream before it melts.”
“We engaged Doe as an after-dinner speaker at a recent meeting and really appreciated her presentation. Excerpts she read from her book were entertaining but also spoke to us on many levels. On a personal level, she inspired me with hope as I like many, face life's challenges.”
-Fran Bowen
The residents of Duncaster, retirement community in Bloomfield CT, learned how Doe compares her life to putting a jigsaw puzzle together. In an engaging workshop, they explored puzzle pieces in their own lives that changed the picture they were creating.
Doe was a featured presenter at the Alumnae Banquet during the 115th anniversary celebration of the founding of Mu chapter of Delta Gamma at the University of Missouri where she was initiated in 1961. She spoke about what motivated her to complete the manuscript ten years after she began to write it and 35 years after the accident and read excerpts. Doe signed books and donated all proceeds from sales to the DG chapter at Mizzou.

Interested in having Doe speak in person or on zoom to raise money for your Delta Gamma alumnae chapter? Click here to let her know!
Richard Kaufman and Doe have a far reaching and insightful conversation about resiliency on his podcast called “Upward Momentum.” Click here to watch.
Doe conducted a three-hour workshop for 20 eighth grade scholars at a summer leadership camp in Hartford. They gasped as she told the story of the accident. She asked them to fold their hands across their chests and think about what they could do with no hands. After reading a section from chapter 3, “Write it on the Wall,” she asked what lessons they could draw from that chapter. They recalled incidents in their lives that had great impact, shared their stories, made posters listing the lessons they learned, and presented their lessons to the class. After receiving their own signed copies of Look, Ma! No Hands! they discussed topics as far ranging as “what is a memoir?” “Self-awareness that comes from reflection on our lives,” to “What does an editor do?” and “Can you get rich if you write a book?”

Achim Nowak interviewed Doe on his podcast, My Fourth Act. Nowak’s guests on this series include people who are taking on new challenges and impacting the world during their “fourth act.” Tune in to hear him talk with Doe about her first career as a child actress, her second career as an adult educator, and her encore career with Leadership Greater Hartford, the Third Age Initiative™, “Finding Purpose with Parkinson’s” Doe and…oh yes! She almost forgot about her newest career as an author!
Click here to listen.
Doe was the featured speaker at a luncheon hosted by Laura Fish-Kelly, Private Wealth Advisor and Sebastian Olczyk, Associate Financial Advisor, for their clients at Heirloom Private Wealth. Doe shared the story “behind the book,” read excepts and signed the copies that Laura gave her guests.

More than 500 guests at Hartford HealthCare’s Fourth Annual Stars Dancing for Parkinson’s event at the Connecticut Convention Center enjoyed watching celebrity dancers, all of whom were executives and professionals at Hartford HealthCare, displaying new talents on the dance floor. Proceeds from the fun evening supported the wellness programs at the Chase Family Movement Disorders Center. Click here to see the video produced by Hartford HealthCare that featured Doe and two participants in the pilot program “Finding Purpose with Parkinson’s,” Doe and Leadership Greater Hartford developed this program for Parkinson’s patients and their significant others.

Ann Nyberg, longtime anchor on ABC affiliate WTNH-TV (News 8), interviewed Doe. Ann and Doe discussed Doe's career as an adult educator, her recent book, the lessons she has learned, and how she helps others learn and grow. Watch the interview here.
Read reporter Susan Dunne’s interview with Doe Hentschel in the Hartford Courant here

Doe joined Kira Holmes, the Executive Director of the Mill Museum in Willimantic, and John Murphy on WILI 1400 AM to discuss the upcoming reading and signing of Look, Ma! No Hands!
5:00-6:00 p.m. Doe and her granddaughter, Courtney, were the guests of Susan Johnson and Dennis O’Brien on their weekly radio show, “Let’s Talk About It” on WILI 1400 AM. Doe moved to Willimantic one year after she smashed her elbows and lived in the Victorian house she renovated for 23 years. O’Brien and Johnson, who represents Windham and serves as the Deputy Majority Leader in the Connecticut House of Representatives, talked with Doe about her book and her life in Willimantic and with Courtney, a sophomore at Eastern Connecticut State University about her illustrations and her life in Willimantic today.
Listen to Doe’s interview on WILI 1400 AM here.
Seabury Retirement Community invited residents, members of Seabury at Home and prospective residents to hear Doe speak about the lessons she has learned in her life that inspired her to write Look, Ma! No Hands! Life’s Lessons Learned the Hard Way.

As guest facilitator at the Enfield Parent Leadership Academy, Doe presented a workshop on Personality Styles and shared stories from Look, Ma! No Hands! Life’s Lessons Learned the Hard Way as examples of different world views. Attendees purchased the book and got Doe’s autograph!

Following the Sunday service, members of South Congregational Church gathered to hear Doe speak about “Positivity and Resilience in Healthy Aging.” Doe shared stories from her own lived experiences and read excerpts from Look, Ma! No Hands! Life’s Lessons Learned the Hard Way.
As the kick-off speaker in a series of lunchtime webinars presented by Goodwin University on “Aging with Purpose,” Doe was interviewed about “The Power of Resilience in Healthy Aging” and read excerpts from Look, Ma! No Hands! Life’s Lessons Learned the Hard Way. Watch here.
Book Signings
“I had the privilege and honor of being at her book signing and listening to her speak. It was one of the best Sunday afternoons I have experienced, and I couldn't wait to read the book which I did cover to cover. Loved. Loved. Loved it. As stated in the foreword, Dr. Doe Hentschel is in fact “a beacon of light, love, and hope.” I can't wait to read her next book. THANK YOU, DR. DOE!!! YOU HAVE IN FACT INSPIRED ME.”
-Marcy Blondin
Doe read excerpts from Look, Ma! No Hands! and autographed books at the Watkinson School in Hartford where she is a trustee.

Doe and her granddaughter Courtney Davis read excerpts from Look, Ma! No Hands! and signed books at the Windham Textile and History Museum—The Mill Museum, 441 Main Street, Willimantic.
Hartford Connecticut

November 15, 2022 Leadership Greater Hartford

November 20 and December 21, 2022 The Woodland
Auction Donations
Enjoy a lunch with Dr. Doe at a place of your choice, gather some “pearls of wisdom,” and take home an autographed copy of Look, Ma! No Hands! Life’s Lessons Learned the Hard Way.
October 25, 2022: Leadership Greater Hartford Polaris Awards
February 25, 2023: The Watkinson School: A Watkinson Affair
March 24, 2023: The University of Bridgeport UB RISE